This ministry serves to bring inner healing to hurting, abused and emotionally wounded people through counseling, prayer, workshops, and  ministry. 

     If you are seeking a turning point in your life from abuse, emotional wounds and low-self-esteem that you are experiencing now or in the past, I am here to serve you.  A healthy mind and body are important to life. God created you to fulfill His Kingdom designed plan, one that will give to you hope and a future.

He made you to be whole emotionally and physically so you can be productive in life with confidence and security. Getting the help you need today can save you from the distress, unease, shame, guilt,  isolation and depression that you may be going  through. Dr. Pat understands what abuse can do to an individual based on her own life story.  Her compassion, understanding and ministry will not only help you, but will provide healing for your inner soul that can make you whole.

 For counseling appointment, please submit name and contact information to:

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